
Colour Sticker

How to remove vinyl stickers?

Vinyl graphics are used in a wide range of application surfaces, including vehicles, sto


  1. Heat a small corner of the vinyl graphic with a hair dryer. The heating process will loosen the adhesive underneath the vinyl, which in turn aids the removal process. Continue heating the corner until a visual separation of the vinyl and surface appears.
  2. Separate the heated corner of the vinyl graphic with your fingernail when dealing with painted surfaces. Separate the heated corner using a razor blade scraper when removing window glass decals.
  3. Continue to heat the vinyl with the hair dryer while carefully peeling the vinyl from the surface with your fingers. Peel off the vinyl in a slow manner to lessen the chance of breaking the decal during the removal process.
  4. Remove any residual adhesive from the surface with clean nonabrasive cloths and liberal amounts of denatured alcohol to finish the process. You may also use a specialized vinyl adhesive removal product to clean off the residual glue; read the manufacturer's instructions and make sure that the removal product is compatible with the surface before use.
  5. refront signs and art. Thanks to specialized printing, plotting and computer software, designers have the ability to create unique decals and lettering in accordance with a customer's need. Vinyl graphics require the use of special adhesives that keep them in place. The process for removing vinyl graphics may vary, depending upon the surface used, age of installation and environmental conditions exposed to vinyl.

Tips & Warnings

  • When removing vinyl graphics from glass, all of the steps are the same, but a paint scraper can be used instead of a plastic razor blade. As long as you are sure to use a brand new razor blade in your scraper, this can cut down on removal time dramatically. It should also leave behind less adhesive than using a plastic razor blade. This method should only be used on glass however, as a paint scraper will scratch and gouge most other surfaces.
  • If your graphics were applied to a painted surface, you may still see the outline from your graphics as the sun will have faded the paint, while the vinyl has protected the paint underneath the graphics. This is perfectly normal and, over time, this effect will fade and blend in with the rest of the paint.


How to get rid of air bubbles in a Sticker on a car?

Vinyl window stickers can be an ideal way to enhance the beauty of your car and show off your personal taste and style. Unlike bumper stickers, which can be difficult to remove, vinyl window stickers can easily be removed and replaced as you see fit. This makes it easy to change the look of your car whenever the mood strikes you.

Keep It Clean

One of the most common problems with not only vinyl window stickers but window tinting film and other vinyl accessories is the tendency for air bubbles to form under the vinyl. These air bubbles greatly detract from the look of the stickers, and, if left unattended, those air bubbles can cause the vinyl stickers to fall off the window.

One of the best ways to prevent air bubbles from forming is to make sure the windows are spotlessly clean before applying the vinyl sticker. Even a small amount of dirt can interfere with the adhesion of the window cling and allow air bubbles to form. If air bubbles have formed under a currently installed vinyl window sticker, remove it and clean the window thoroughly.

hair-dryerApply Heat

Adding heat during the installation process can prevent air bubbles from forming. Heat can also remove air bubbles that have accumulated under the vinyl stickers and window clings you already have installed. A hair dryer works wonderfully for this purpose. Simply applying the heat from the hair dryer to the vinyl sticker as it is being applied (or reapplied) can smooth out those air pockets and give you a better result.

plastic-squeegeesUse the Right Tool

Simply smoothing out the vinyl sticker with the large flat surface of an plastic squeegees is a handy way to remove any air bubbles that have accumulated. A plastic squeegees is also a useful tool when installing the sticker for the first time. Simply peel off the backing bit by bit, press the sticker to the window and use the plastic squeegees to press it into place. Installing the window cling or vinyl sticker in this way will help it adhere more firmly to the window; this can help reduce the chances of air bubbles forming down the line.

How to apply vinyl sticker?

Applying your custom vinyl graphic is easy enough to do by yourself. The following tools are recommended when applying vinyl decals or lettering.

  • Masking tape
  • Level
  • Squeegee
  • Application spray
  • Pin or knife

Cleaning Procedures:

  1. All surfaces are contaminated to some degree. To ensure good adhesion to any surface it is critical that you follow these recommended procedures in decontaminating and preparing the surface prior
  2. to any vinyl product installation.
  3. Wash and rinse the area with liquid dish detergent and warm water. Then dry the surface with a clean, lint-free towel or cloth.
  4. Finish up the cleaning process by wiping down the entire area with Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol). To avoid recontamination during the final cleaning step, wipe the surface in just one
  5. direction, using a clean, lint-free towel or cloth. You are now ready to apply the vinyl.

Temperature Recommendations:

Surface temperatures should be between 10 - 30 degrees Celsius before attempting the installation. As a general rule, if the surface is hot to the touch it's over 30 degrees Celsius.
Adhesive becomes brittle when it gets too cold and gummy when it gets too hot. Applications outside the recommended range of 10-30 degrees Celsius reduce the adhesives' ability to perform.

Application Procedures:

You can choose to apply vinyl in one of two ways; dry or wet.

Applying vinyl graphics dry does not allow for any mistakes. Once the vinyl touches the surface, there is no removal without damage.

However, applying vinyl graphics with application spray allows you the opportunity to remove and reposition vinyl as needed for up to several minutes. For obvious reasons, this method is recommended for both beginners and experts. To apply using the application spray, spray the surface thoroughly. Then lay the vinyl on a flat surface and spray the adhesive side as you remove the backing. An extra set of hands is a good idea. Then simply apply the vinyl to the surface.

Do not excessively stretch vinyl during the application. This is the main cause of end lift. Pull the vinyl only as taut as necessary to keep a straight line. Because vinyl is a pressure-sensitive product, a squeegee should be used for all installations. The purpose of using a squeegee is to remove the excess fluid and or air from behind the vinyl. You should always start the squeegee from the middle and either use a straight up or down motion. Allow the vinyl to set for 5 to 15 minutes.

(Pinstriping can be laid down initially using your thumb. However, after the application tape is removed, a squeegee must be used on all cut ends including door breaks as well as the ends of the stripe.)

When removing the application tape, always pull it slowly, back onto itself, at a 180-degree angle. Bubbles should be punctured using a pin. Do not slit the vinyl to release the air. If the vinyl is slit it will spread or gap. The cutting or trimming of any stripe or graphic should be done using a very sharp knife and very little pressure.

Cleaning Tips

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